VITAMIN-V : RISC-V Technical Sessions (July 2024), Hardware-Based Detection of Stack Buffer Overflow Attacks on RISC-V (video).
VITAMIN-V : RISC-V Summit Europe 2024, Vitamin-V: Expanding RISC-V OpenSource Environments (video).
VITAMIN-V : Mobile World Congress 2024, OpenStack demo (video).
VITAMIN-V : Mobile World Congress 2024, Vitamin-V teaser (video)
VITAMIN-V : Poster in HIPEAC 2024: Detection of hardware based attacks using performance counters (video)
VITAMIN-V : Poster in HIPEAC 2024: Malware detection using opcodes and machine learning (video)
VITAMIN-V identified in EU's effort to "EU is building an experimental RISC-V cloud computing environment built on open-source effort called Vitamin-V, which aims to port the software necessary for RISC-V to cloud environments... ",, August 2024.
Dynamic malware and hardware attack detection through machine learning, HiPEACINFO 72 (pp- 23-25), June 2024
VITAMIN-V : A new H2020 project led by UPC aims to take a radical step further in computing by designing a complete RISC-V stack for cloud services
Virtual Environment and Tool-boxing for Trustworthy Development of RISC-V based Cloud Services (present in the websites of: Smilies (research group POLITO) and VOSYS
13-14/03/2025: F2F meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden.
22/01/2025: VITAMIN-V participates in the HiPEAC 2025 conference in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. 1x Workshop.
12/09/2024: VITAMIN-V participates in the NexusForumSubmit 2024, Brussels.
8-10/10/2024: VITAMIN-V participates in the 37th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems in Oxford, UK.
9-10/10/2024: VITAMIN-V attends the 2024 EPI Forum organized by the European Processor Initiative.
25/07/2024: VITAMIN-V participates in the RISC-V Technical Sessions presenting "Hardware-Based Detection of Stack Buffer Overflow Attacks on RISC-V" organized by RISC-V Foundation.
24-28/06/2024: VITAMIN-V participates in the RISC-V Summit Europe in Munich, Bavaria, Germany (3x poster, 1x presentation, 1x workshop organized).
17/05/2024: VITAMIN-V participates in the Webinar "Presenting the future of open source for cloud services" organized by EuCloudEdgeIoT.
12-14/05/2024: F2F meeting in Torino, Italy.
26-29/02/2024: VITAMIN-V participates in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain (post in LinkedIn)
17-19/01/2024: VITAMIN-V participates in the HiPEAC 2024 conference in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. 1x Workshop + 2x posters.
7/11/2023-9/11/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
29/09/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in the European Researchers' Night in Berga, Catalonia, Spain.
6-8/09/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in the 49th Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) in Durres, Albania
4-8/09/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in the 33rd International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications in Gothenburg, Sweden
3-5/07/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in the 29th IEEE International Symposium on On-line Testing and System Design in Chania, Greece
8-9/06/2023: F2F meeting in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
6-9/06/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in the RISC-V Summit Europe in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
22-26/05/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in the 28th IEEE European Test Symposium in Venice, Italy
11-12/05/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in the Concertation and Consultation Event from Cloud to Edge and IoT in Brussels, Belgium. 1x presentation, 1x poster, 2x expressions of interest.
19-20/04/2023: VITAMIN-V is present at the 13th edition of the Fira del Coneixement in Berga, Catalonia, Spain
29/03/2023: Zeropoint gives a presentation to the local RISC-V meetup in Gothenburg, Sweden
08/03/2023: VITAMIN-V participates in Women's Day with two interviews of the research team women (post in LinkedIn)
02-03/02/2023: Kick-off meeting in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
10/01/2023: Meet us at Hipeac 2023 in Toulouse, France. 2x presentations of Vitamin-V (FORECAST and CONCERTO workshops) + 1x poster (EU project session)
06/2024: VITAMIN-V project concluded the firts release of VRISC-V (gem5, QEMU, FPGA) extensions exceeding the 70% completion.
01/2024: NKUA presents their developments at the Gem5 community meeting.
10/2023: Zeropoint joined JEDEC, the organization that develops open standards for computer memories
17/07/2023: Interview with the SEMIDYNAMICS Principal Investigator: "Startups Help RISC-V Reshape Computer Architecture", EE Times Europe
06/2023: VITAMIN-V appeared in HIPEAC magazine. Page 26 has been dedicated to VITAMIN-V
19/04/2023: Interview with the SEMIDYNAMICS Principal Investigator: "RISC-V as you likeit: the 'first' fully configurable 64-bit processor core",
04/2023: VOSYS engagement (rust-vmm mailing list)
02/2023: Official Launch of the EU-CEI Community, European Cloud, Edge and IoT Continuum Initiative